Saturday, September 27, 2008

Too fast to keep up on the changes...

Gone for a week again, I found lot's of changes. Some subtle, but it is fun to see the progress. We are still told Thanksgiving, but I think we are both in denial we are going to have to move during such a busy time of year.

Outside is primed for stucco.

As is the inside. Don't worry, we are not painting the walls blue.

The suspended hearth. I like it!

The stairs will go up here.

Oak floors went in on the second floor.

Cool shadows.

The fireplace on the third floor.

Shower pan is prepped.

Tile should follow soon.

Tim's rooftop deck.

The sauna is getting worked on too.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Details, details, details...

When I returned from Brian Head after being gone 2 weeks, I immediately went to the house. I was surprised things didn't look that different, but there was a ton of detail oriented stuff getting done. I had work to do and tile became an issue. That took a few hours on my part to resolve. I was way over budget (surprise, surprise), so I had to work at getting it down to a reasonable amount. Good bye beautiful recycled glass tile. I will survive. I went local and have a very nice 2x8 ceramic tile from Pratt and Larson that will go in our master bath.
I also went back this past week, so here are photos from both visits.

The 3rd floor railing/landing.

The wires that will hold up the stairs.

Tile in sauna floor.

2nd floor fireplace.

The trellis.

The glass in the bathroom was replaced. Now the neighbors can't see in.

Finish work.

Our mailbox slot from the inside.

Painting away... Primer is going on the walls.