Tuesday, May 6, 2008

After three weeks of being gone...

One of the first things I do is go check out the house. It was fun to see so much progress. Granted, it doesn't show so much on the outside, but they have been busy!

The windows happen to arrive right when I got there. They were late, but this is only the first 30% or so of them. We have LOTS of windows.

Everything is roughed in, so walking through I could see all the spaces a bit better. View from the rear.

Rough stairs to basement.
Lot's of electrical and plumbing is in.
As well as the radiant heat piping.
The main floor cement is poured, but covered by wood to keep 'clean'.
Holy house! I am always a bit overwhelmed after being there.

Evidence of plumbing.
You can see the structure for the fireplace. And wires everywhere in the walls.

1 comment:

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