Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lot's of activity and lots of decisions...

It is crazy how fast things seem to be moving now. They told me this would happen and it is true! Lots of decisions to make and things change daily. A delay in decisions could mean a delay in completion. Working on security system stuff, audio/video, lighting decisions, tile, etc. WHEW! This IS a full time job! It is lucky I am home for a bit so I can get stuff done and watch the rapid progress!

Windows going in every day.

From the north on 29th.
From the south.
Plumbing, electric, etc. all going in at once. Flurry of activity.
Green roof is not yet 'green'. Looking down on the garage/work out area.
When you see things like this it makes it all seem so real. Guest bathroom tub.
It's hard to capture how high the ceilings look. It is a massive space.
Tim is still in awe of his views. This is only from the second floor. Massive slider for a window.
The basement is a mess of wires, pipes, etc. Good thing we have a basement to hide all of this stuff.

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